The 2016 Yale Bulldogs might have experienced the biggest swings of any other school in college football.
They experienced the low of getting destroyed at home against Lehigh, giving up an amazing 63 points to the Mountain Hawks led that day by
QB Brad Mayes in a 28 point defeat.
And they were dominated by some of their bigger rivals in Ivy League play, losing 42-7 to Penn and 31-3 to Princeton.
Yet of their three wins, they pulled off two enormous upsets - beating Ivy League title contender Dartmouth at home, 21-13, and finally breaking Harvard's nine year hex against them in "The Game",
scoring a touchdown with 4 minutes left to secure a tremendous 21-14 win over their bitter Crimson Rivals.
The Ivy League starts play on September 16th, where Lehigh will find Yale travelling to Murray Goodman Stadium in the Bulldogs first game of the year.
The Mountain Hawks will be playing their third game of the season, and Mayes will be going against the team which he had a record-breaking performance.
The Eli will have had all offseason to bask in the glow of breaking the nine-game winning streak of Harvard against them - and once the enormity of their win over Harvard fades into the distance a little, to focus on avenging last season's 63 points that Lehigh put on them last year.
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