I’m mixed race myself, and have a lot of trouble fitting in with broader society. Being a mullatto is an alienating experience. I’m funny-looking, and my prospects of finding someone I find attractive for a relationship are slim.If you want to see real interracial anger, don't look at white men or black women, look at male hapas. Whereas female half-Asians are often deemed more attractive as a result of the additional femininity provided by their Asian heritage, that same factor tends to make male half-Asians smaller, less masculine and less attractive to women than their white fathers, who can seldom empathize with their sons' challenges and experiences.
As a result, I welcome results like these that fight back against the PC mixed race narrative that leftist scumbags are trying to shove down people’s throats. One theory I have is that people also show a higher degree of disgust or lack of affinity for mixed race children. This would be harder to tease out perhaps than the disgust for interracial couples (though let’s be honest, the disgust over interracial couples stems from the relative lack of fitness of their children). It would be harder to study because some cross breeds tend to fare better than others.
Anyway, my life isn’t so bad. I eagerly await the development of new technologies that can compensate for the lack of simple human relationships I have in my life. I like to think that, if I stick up for what’s right, maybe in the afterlife I’ll be surrounded by people that look like me. Nice dream…
The children pay the price
No one ever seems to stop and think about the price that the children - many of whom are not merely unattractive, but weird in appearance - pay as a result of their parents proud virtue-signaling and SMV maximizing:
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