The Okotoks Dawgs scored runs in each of the first four innings on their way to a 6-3 win over the home town Regina Red Sox on Saturday night.
The loss snapped Regina’s five game home field winning streak. Even with the loss Regina remains one game ahead of Swift Current for first in the Eastern Division. For Okotoks they have a 7-game lead on second place Edmonton.
Liam Stroud had a magnificent outing for the Dawgs as he faced 19 batters. Stroud, a native of Maple Ridge, BC threw five innings for Okotoks allowing just one hit and three strike outs. The Dawgs bullpen picked up for Stroud and Tyler Burdett nailed down his 12th the save
Will Moore started for Regina and threw six complete innings. He was given the loss after allowing seven hits and five runs.
Dawgs outfielder Matt Lloyd extended his consecutive hitting streak to 20-games with two hits. Aderly Perez single shot home run added an insurance run in the fourth.
Phil Langlois had two hits and a walk for the Red Sox.
The second game of this two game series will be played Sunday at Currie Field. First pitch is at 2 pm.
(Outlaw Communications)
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