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The Army and Textron are adding new computer processing power and cyber-hardening technology to the current inventory of ground control stations operating drones in combat, as a way to better defend against enemy "hacking," "jamming" and "interference" with video feeds, service officials said.
The Textron-built Universal Ground Control Station (UGCS), which currently operates the Army’s Shadow and Grey Eagle drones, is being engineered with new performance-enhancing software to secure drone controls and drone video feeds from hacking, interference and cyberattacks.
“The UGCS hardware obsolescence effort replaces components within the existing UGCS, reducing weight and easing the burden on heavily-laden tactical vehicles. The new hardware will provide increased computing power -- accommodating the new software architecture developed under the software obsolescence effort,” Capt. Scott Zimmerman, Assistant Product Director for UGCS, told Scout Warrior.
The current upgrade, described as a software and hardware obsolescence project, will use an emerging Army software architecture called Future Airborne Capability Environment, or FACE, Zimmerman added.
The re-architected software is designed to lower costs and accommodate new technologies and upgrades more efficiently – while strengthening cybersecurity.
“We continue to support those products by developing new features, capability sets for them, building and producing new GCSs,” said Wayne Prender, Vice President, Control and Surface Systems, Textron Systems.
These semi-annual upgrades are part of a multi-pronged Army strategy to sustain and improve ground-control technology for drones now in combat as well as those planned for future years.
“Over the next year, the team will continue the software infrastructure build, which will serve as the framework within which software applications will operate. Software applications will be selected from the ‘best of breed’ across industry,” Zimmerman said.
Securing drone feeds and drone operations is increasingly important in today’s combat environment because enemies and potential adversaries are rapidly acquiring “jamming” and “hacking” technologies giving them an ability to interfere with or compromise U.S. drone operations.
Textron developers say its current UGCSs and One-System-Remote-Video-Terminals help facilitate this technology.
“A dismounted user, vehicle-mounted user in a ground vehicle or somebody in a helicopter has the ability to take control of a sensor that is on an unmanned aircraft and maneuver,” Prender explained. “With that control they can provide a navigation through the gimbal of the aircraft.”
The Army’s long-term plan for ground control stations includes work on emerging requirements for a system which allows for simultaneous operation of multiple drones; Textron is developing its own multi-drone, multi-domain control technology designed to meet these emerging requirements – called Synturian.
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