
UN envoy attends Iftar event for families of terrorists

UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nikolay Mladenov has shown his implicit support for Palestinian terror by attending an Iftar breakfast in honor of and support of terrorists and their families.

The PLO's Negotiations Affairs Department holds an annual Ramadan Iftar (breakfast) meal for diplomats. But it isn't only for diplomats - it is for families of terrorists in Israeli prison.

So Mladenov sat there, smiling, as Saeb Erekat said that terrorists should all be released and that all of Israel was "occupied territory:"

The iftar has become an annual tradition that brings together the families of prisoners and members of the diplomatic corps of Arabs and foreigners in Palestine. This year we remember the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, and 70 years since the Palestinian Nakba, and 50 years on the setback and the occupation of the rest of the land of Palestine.

We seek and work to end the occupation and and towards the embodiment of the sovereignty of the State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital and the release of all prisoners without restriction who are freedom fighters, and the answer is the end of the Israeli occupation that lies in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem".
He also respectfully listened as the PA's Minister of Prisoner Affairs Issa Qarage confirmed that the point of the Iftar was to teach the diplomats how much the terrorists are suffering in Israeli jails (their cable TV channel selection is severely limited, according to the prisoner leaders), and insisted that the proud Palestinian people will continue to insist that the terrorists and their families be paid (with international funding, of course.) "Calling the prisoners and martyrs 'terrorists' is unacceptable...the occupation  is the cause of terrorism in the region," Qarage told Mladenov.

Other speakers, including Marwan Barghouti's wife, emphasized how central the issue of rewarding terrorists and their families for attacking Israeli Jews is to the Palestinian people.

Mladenov, ever the diplomat, spoke as well about Israel's obligations to follow international law in its treatment of prisoners, without saying exactly what international laws are being broken by Israel today.  He also expressed sympathy for the "suffering of the prisoners."

Mladenov didn't mention this event on his Twitter account.

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