
This is what Gamma looks like

And why it is not a socio-sexual rank with which a man should not content himself. The banned and spammed Casher O'Neill was sufficiently triggered by the dc.sunsets Alpha post that he left no less than 13 comments in response. But the first one was the most telling.
Vox does not understand because he has developed intellectual vices that prevent him from understanding and he lacks the inclination to healthy introspection which would allow him to see and correct it. He is, after all, a formal Christian heretic. You might as well ask Arius, Simon Magus, or the Taylor King their opinions.

Glamour Shot's theories have no basis in science (or whatever crap terms he wants to make up). What they are is the product of a deeply insecure man who has constructed a system to vindicate himself. This is why he inconsistently describes himself as Alpha/Sigma and why he ignores the implications (for himself) of what he once wrote about the relationship between Gamma and Sigma. (One thought he definitely hasn't followed to its conclusion.)

Ever since he had that psychotic episode in high school where he thrashed around desperately trying to avoid being shoved into a locker (again) by bigger and better-liked boys and broke one of their noses (which he brags about like he's Al Bundy remembering his great play) he has had to face the question of whether he is "Gamma" ("But no, he spent a couple of years in a techno band you can convince yourself you remember".) Like many smart and insecure men, he discovered that defining the terms of the debate gives him power over it vis-a-vis those who don't see the need to debate. (He's like the SJWs in that.)

This is why he posts 20 yo pictures of himself that look less like a paunchy dweeb. This is why he allows his followers to attack a marine who calls him out for his unwillingness to put his money where his mouth is. This is why he attacks his readers when they grow too tall.
Of course, many of the readers here are familiar with gammas like Casher, as Stg noted:
I can see you're bitter and jealous because Vox has many successful enterprises, books, blogs, etc. I can feel the butthurt oozing from every word you type. It calls to me. It demands I give you a wedgie and shove your head in the toilet. 
Bitterness is the chief hallmark of the Gamma. They are bitter about many things, but above all, about men who are more successful with women than they are. Someone once characterized Gammas as "Alpha ambition without the ability", but it would be more accurate to say "Alpha entitlement without the attributes".

That being said, Casher isn't bitter due to my various endeavors, some of which are successful. He is bitter because I have rejected his Secret Kingship and refused to admire him for his imaginary superiority. The common gamma pattern is to fawn on someone he admires and attempt to establish some sort of "special relationship" with the admired figure. What he's attempting to do is raise himself to a Beta position with an Alpha. Sometimes, this works; look at how John Scalzi has built a very successful publishing career due entirely to his relationship with Patrick Nielsen Hayden.

Much more often, it doesn't, as the admired figure does not see anything special or useful in the Gamma and treats him just like everyone else. That's the case with Casher; you can see it in the ludicrous assertion that I attack my readers when they grow too tall. That's an illustrative combination of Gamma Delusion Bubble with Gamma Rejection Rage. But it could be worse. The worst situation is when the Gamma gets what he wants, is given the opportunity to work with the admired figure, screws it up because that's what Gammas do, and then is cast out for his incompetence. Whereas a Delta would feel bad, knowing that his failure is his own fault, the Gamma reacts with rage to disguise his own shame and self-loathing.

This is why you should NEVER allow a Gamma into an inner circle or a startup, because the chances are better than 50/50 that he will eventually devote himself to the failure of the very enterprise he was expected to help build.

Anyhow, this is neither the first nor the 20th time that a Gamma whose Secret Kingship went unappreciated has reacted this way either here or at VP. There is a surprisingly long list of them, and all of their weird little rants follow the same pattern; many of them even contain very similar insults and insinuations. Far from casting any doubts on the socio-sexual hierarchy, they serve to further confirm it.

And finally, the idea that I was ever a Gamma is amusing. I didn't have that much socio-sexual success in junior high and early high school, nor was I ever given to self-delusion or bitterness. I was definitely an Omega. But it's entirely typical of Gamma navel-gazing and projection that they can't even think of anything worse to call someone than what they are themselves.

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