
06/25 Links: Hamas is behind Gaza's suffering, not Israel; Time for UNIFL to fulfill its mandate

From Ian:

Seth Frantzman: 5 reasons why Nasrallah’s threat to use Iraq and Iran fighters against Israel is alarming
In a startling revelation on Friday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said the next war with Israel could see thousands of Shi’ite militia fighters join forces with Hezbollah to fight Israel.
“This could open the way for thousands, even hundreds of thousands of fighters from all over the Arab and Islamic world to participate – from Iraq, Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan,” he said in a television speech.
This threat marks a major development and turning point in Hezbollah’s threats against Israel. The following are five reasons that Hezbollah’s latest statement has ramifications for Israel and the region.
1. The threat confirms what security experts and commentators have predicted.
2. Hezbollah’s threat builds on the model used in Syria.
3. Nasrallah wants to drag Israel into a regional war with multiple states and provoke Russia and the US.
4. Nasrallah is engaged in a war of words with Israel.
5. A silver lining? Will the US wake up to the Shi’ite militia threat in Iraq and will Nasrallah’s comments bring Israel closer to Saudi Arabia?
IDF strikes Syrian targets in response to second day of Golan spillover
Several projectiles fired from Syria landed in open territory in Israel's Golan Heights on Sunday afternoon, the IDF confirmed. No injuries were reported in the incident.
The military added that the errant projectiles were the result of internal fighting in Syria.
The IDF struck targets belonging to forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime in response to the errant fire that hit northern Israel earlier in the day, the military confirmed on Sunday evening.
Among the targets struck were two canons and one truck loaded with ammunition.
The IDF has also instructed residents of the area as well as farmers working along the border not to remain in the area as long as the fire exchange continues.
The United Nations Disengagement Observer Force was notified by Israel about the hits it suffered from Syria.
Netanyahu warns Iran over Syria involvement after Golan exchange
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Iran on Sunday that Israel “views gravely” its attempts to set up a military presence in Syria and to arm Hezbollah with advanced weaponry via Syria and Lebanon.
His comments at the weekly cabinet meeting came a day after the IDF responded to mortar fire from Syria by attacking Syrian army targets across the border.
“Our policy is clear,” he said. “We will not accept any kind of 'drizzle, not of mortars, rockets, or spillover fire [from the Syrian Civil War]. We respond with force to every attack on our territory and against our citizens.”
Netanyahu has said repeatedly that Israel will act to prevent game-changing weapons from reaching Hezbollah through Syria, to prevent the establishment of a permanent Iranian military presence on its border, and to keep rockets from being fired from Syria into Israel.

Al-Quds Day: 'Jews, get out of Palestine!'
Thousands of Arabs marked Al-Quds Day by participating in mass parades in Gaza.
Al-Quds day is an international "holiday" started in 1979 by Iranian revolutionary leader Ruhollah Khomeini and intended to emphasize the Muslim world's responsibility to "free Palestine."
In the Gaza events, Hamas Parliament member and Al-Quds International Chief Ahmad Abu Hilbiyya said that Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque are being "viciously attacked" by Israel, and "several victims have already died."
Hilbiyya called on Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas not to expel "fighters" and jihadists from Judea and Samaria, but to allow them to fight with the "occupation" and support the Al-Quds intifada in any way possible.
The Arab newspaper Palestin quoted Hilbiyya as telling Israel, "Get out of our land and our holy places, out of our Al-Aqsa Mosque, because we are coming and with us are all of the organizations which support our fight. We will continue to fight with force all efforts against Jerusalem and the other Palestinian lands."
In a call similar to that of Nazi Europe, Arabs call for a Judenrein Israel.
Israeli party chair slams Berlin mayor for allowing Hezbollah rally
Yair Lapid, the chairman of Yesh Atid, sent a hard-hitting letter on Saturday to Berlin's mayor Michael Müller for permitting Hezbollah -- an organization proscribed as a terrorist entity by many countries -- to march in Berlin on Friday.
The Jerusalem Post obtained a copy of the letter.
Lapid wrote: "This past week a lecture by a Knesset Member from Yesh Atid [Aliza Lavie] was violently disrupted by radical anti-Israel activists at a university in Berlin. A few days later demonstrators marched through your city proudly displaying photographs of the leader of an anti-Semitic terrorist organization."
"As the son of a Holocaust survivor I was deeply disturbed that in the same week that a group of Jews are targeted, antisemites are given the freedom of the city. We have stood in solidarity with Germany when you were hit by brutal terror attacks. We did that because we identified deeply with the pain caused by terrorism and we wanted to express our support for the people of you city."
Will Iran's Israel doomsday clock join history's list of failed predictions?
Tehran spared no expense in entertaining the masses during this year's Al-Quds Day festivities. Israeli and US flags were burned, inflammatory speeches were given, and a new digital clock was unveiled in the Iranian capital's aptly-named Palestine Square. But this new clock doesn't tell the time -- instead it counts down to the destruction of Israel set for 2040. The date prediction comes from a speech Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei gave on September 9, 2015, in which he stated that the "Zionist regime will cease to exist in the next 25 years."
Israel will be celebrating its 92nd -- and supposedly last -- birthday in 2040. Our day of destruction will also festively be shared with the 100th anniversary of the first remote operation of a computer; the 105th birthday of Israeli actor Chaim Topol of Fiddler on the Roof fame; and, oddly enough, the 47th anniversary of the Palestine Liberation Organization officially recognizing Israel as a legitimate state. Which one of these events will be worthy of a Google Doodle on September 9, 2040?
While we shake in our boots for the next 25 years, let's take a look some of at history's failed predictions.
Al Quds Day In Toronto- So Pitiful The 12th Imam Vowed To Stay Hidden Out Of Shame
The Khomeinist turnout was low, certainly the lowest I have witnessed, perhaps topping 1500 Twelvers and assorted useful idiots like the Communist party of Canada.
I suspect Islam’s civil war has dampened Sunni enthusiasm for the Ayatollah’s annual shindig, I suspect also that a rift exists within the Shia community further lowering the turnout.
Oh and Kevin Barret did make an appearance, Barret is no worse than the local speakers of recent years, certifiably 100% Jew Hatey. The Khomeinists will likely post a vid of his ramblings on YouTube, they’re pretty brazen that way. I’ll keep my eyes open for it.
This year the police kept everyone well separated until the end of the march at the US Consulate. Reader Chris D. Sent along this pic from Ayatollah Alley, note the heavy police presence as they speak to some Pro-Israel interlopers.
The Ayatollah Idolizers had their women march at the back of the parade. This just goes to show how diversity enriches us all. I’m sure glad to have been enlightened by Justin Trudeau as to the wonders of our shared values with Islam.
Daphne Anson: Israel-Demonising Priest Addresses Al Quds Day Crowd Down Under (videos)
Pro-Iran Sydney-based Anglican priest Father Dave Smith is an antipodean member of the International Board of Reference of pro-Iran Stephen Sizer's new Israel-demonising vehicle Peacemaker Moderators.
Last year Smith described the Iranian-sponsored Hate Fest that is Al Quds Day as "a day when God brings us together ... an intrinsically religious event" and regretted that he could not attend Melbourne's Al Quds Day rally in person.
This year Smith was star speaker at the Al Quds Day rally in Melbourne, ranting and raving against the Zionist Entity before a crowd of appreciative Israel-haters gathered outside the usual venue for anti-Israel love-ins of this kind, the State Library of Victoria.
His speech was temporarily interrupted by raucous cries of "Down Down Israel!!!" (a cry replicated on placards held by Israel-haters on hand) and followed by equally raucuous cries of "From the River to the Sea ..."
Another Israel-hater inveighing against "Zionists" in Melbourne including "an IDF training centre" on Collins Street; note the chants:

Report: Trump Considering Camp David-Style Summit to Bring Arab States Together Against Terrorism
President Trump is considering calling a Camp David-style summit to address growing tensions among long-established U.S. allies in the Arab world and renew his call for those nations to confront the “crisis of Islamic extremism,” Fox News has learned.
The gathering would follow Saudi Arabia, Egypt and five other Muslim countries severing diplomatic and commercial relations with Qatar. The regional powers had accused the tiny Gulf state of funding terrorism – blasting Qatar for allegedly boosting groups like ISIS, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and working with Iran to destabilize the region.
Fox News has learned that the White House is discussing several options for overcoming the dispute including a broad summit modeled on the 1978 Camp David peace accords that led to the 1979 peace treaty between Israel and Egypt.
“It’s a Camp David moment. We’ve seen nothing like this in 40 years, and now the president wants to follow through,” a senior White House official told Fox News.
In what might be seen as a warning for many countries in the region, the senior White House official told Fox News that the president is interested in behavior modification, and “not just Qatar’s.”
US Official Denies Reports of Trump Withdrawal From Israel-Palestinian Peace Talks
A US official has categorically denied rumors suggesting that President Donald Trump is contemplating giving up on launching fresh peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. “Reports that President Trump is considering pulling out of peace talks are nonsense," the official said.
The reports came on the heels of separate meetings last week between Jared Kushner, the special adviser and son-in-law of Trump, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, on how the two warring sides could advance peace.
A senior Palestinian official told Al-Hayat newspaper that Kushner was tasked with writing a report on his meetings which would determine whether or not Trump would proceed in his pursuit of what he has often described as “the ultimate deal.”
According to the same Palestinian official, Kushner asked Abbas to present his vision for a political solution during the meeting, adding that he had asked Netanyahu to do the same.
Sources in the Palestinian Authority expressed disappointment with the meeting between Abbas and the American delegation, describing the meeting in Ramallah as unsuccessful and claiming that Kushner and his entourage simply presented a list of Israeli demands.
Israel bars UNESCO team from Hebron field visit
Israel has refused to allow a UNESCO investigatory team to make a field visit to Hebron in advance of pending July vote to register its Old City on the list of World Heritage in Danger under the “State of Palestine.”
This is a “principled and strategic” stand, Israel’s Ambassador to UNESCO in Paris Carmel Shama HaCohen said on Saturday.
Hebron’s Old City, including the Tomb of the Patriarchs, is one of the 35 sites the World Heritage Committee plans to consider for inscription on the World Heritage List when it meets in Krakow, Poland from July 2-12.
The Palestinian Authority has fast tracked the inscription process by claiming that the site is endangered.
Since UNESCO recognized Palestine as a member state in 2011, the Palestinian Authority has similarly fast tracked inscription of two other sites on the list of World Heritage in Danger. This includes the Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route in Bethlehem in 2012 and the ancient terraces of Battir (2014).
Danon: Time for UNIFL to fulfill its mandate
On Thursday, Danon presented new information to the Security Council revealing that the Hezbollah terrorist group had established a series of outposts along the border with Israel under the guise of the agricultural NGO “Green Without Borders”.
Danon explained how in April a UNIFIL patrol was denied access by a group of locals to an observation post flying the organization's flag. He also presented photographs of the outposts and their locations.
UNIFIL rejected that proof on Friday, saying that “Green Without Borders” members have planted trees in the area, but it "has not observed any unauthorized armed persons at the locations or found any basis to report a violation of resolution 1701".
On Saturday, Danon said, “It is unfortunate that UNIFIL has chosen to turn the other way as Hezbollah continues to operate in the region. This NGO is not protecting the environment, but is conducting reconnaissance activity along our border.”
“It is time for UNIFIL to fulfill its mandate and ensure that UN Security Council resolutions are implanted,” he added.
As Islamic State wanes, Iran and Hezbollah could turn on Israel
Recent developments in the war between the Syrian regime and rebel forces show that the relative comfort zone that Israel has long enjoyed along its northern border is narrowing. The recent pummeling of the notorious Islamic State group makes an escalation in hostilities between Israel and the forces of President Bashar Assad along with his staunch ally, the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terror group, increasingly likely.
The terrible civil war ravaging Syria has for several years forced Hezbollah, deployed to the battlefield on Assad’s behalf, to limit the resources and energy it expends on confronting Israel. Some 2,000 Hezbollah fighters have been killed and 6,000 injured fighting in Syria — about a third of the organization’s fighting force. The same has been true for Syria’s standing army, which looked exhausted, almost defeated, until Russia swooped in to turn the tide.
In recent weeks, the cumulative effect of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s efforts has helped swing the pendulum in favor of Assad, Hezbollah, and other Shiite militias active in the arena on behalf of Iran. The battle against the Islamic State group in Mosul, Iraq, is drawing to a close, and it is clear that next in line to fall will be Raqqa, the group’s stronghold in Syria.
In other fronts, too, the Syrian army is scoring major victories, including in the Deir Ezzor region in the country’s northeast, where Assad’s forces, aided by Shiite militiamen, have broken through to the area of Abu Kamal, on the Iraqi border. It is a region where Kurdish and other forces that receive US support have been very active. Hence the recent rise in friction between the US army and Syrian forces that led to the downing of a Syrian jet last week.
Report: Israel Warns Iran Against Establishment of Hezbollah Weapons Factories in Lebanon
Israel has been sending messages to Iran via diplomats from European countries, warning that the establishment of Hezbollah weapons factories in Lebanon will not be tolerated, Haaretz reported on Sunday.
An Israeli official told the newspaper that Israel had emphasized that Iranian support for Hezbollah must become a core issue in the world's dealings with Iran.
“The Lebanese government cannot address this issue and thus the address for dealing with it is found with other forces that have influence over the issue,” said the senior Israeli official, according to Haaretz.
On Thursday, Major General Herzl Halevi, director of Israeli Military Intelligence, told the Herzliya Conference that Hezbollah was establishing a military industry in Lebanon with Iranian support.
Le chef de renseignements militaires israéliens, le général Herzl Halevi
He confirmed a report in Kuwait's Al-Jarida newspaper which claimed that Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps had established a number of weapons factories for Hezbollah on Lebanese soil. The report, cited by Haaretz, says that the factories have the capability to produce long-range missiles, land-to-sea missiles, anti-tank weapons and drones which can carry explosives. Some of these weapons have reportedly already been tested in the Syrian civil war.
"In the past year, Iran has been working to establish an infrastructure for the production of precise weapons in both Lebanon and in Yemen," said Halevi. "We can not remain indifferent to this, and we do not."
20 arrested for trying to visit Joseph’s Tomb in West Bank
Around 20 Jewish pilgrims, including some minors, were arrested early Sunday morning as they tried to reach Joseph’s Tomb in the West Bank town of Nablus, the IDF said in a statement.
Nablus, a Palestinian city, is in Area A of the West Bank, putting it under full Palestinian Authority control and entry into the area is forbidden for Israelis without prior authorization with Israeli officials.
According to right-wing legal action group Honenu, which is representing the suspects, four them managed to reach the tomb where they were arrested by Palestinian security forces before being handed over to the IDF.
The rest of the group was intercepted on an approach road to Nablus by Israeli security forces. All of the suspects were taken to an Israeli police station in the settlement of Ariel.
“Early in the morning, IDF received reports of 20 young Jews who entered Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus without first coordinating with the security forces,” the army said in a statement.
IDF commander refutes Breaking the Silence testimony
The IDF commander of a spokesman for the Israeli left-wing NGO Breaking the Silence, who claimed to have assaulted a Palestinian during his IDF service, has accused him of inventing an incident that “never happened.”
Dean Issacharoff is currently under investigation in light of testimony he provided for the group claiming he assaulted a Palestinian during his military service in Hebron. His commander Omri Seiner has refuted the claims, which he says contradict the values of the IDF.
Breaking the Silence is made up of former IDF soldiers and officers who seek to "expose the Israeli public to the reality of everyday life" in the West Bank and provide lectures and information around the world on alleged IDF misconduct.
Speaking in an interview with Ynet, Seiner, who served as Issacharoff's company commander at the time of the alleged assault, said the incident he described in his recorded testimony “never happened. All the soldiers under Dean's command also said so (that it didn’t happen).”
Haaretz writer slammed for attacks on bereaved IDF parents
The friends and comrades of Hadar Gold and Oron Shaul, whose bodies have been held in Gaza for the past three years by the Hamas terrorist organization, responded angrily to the latest article by radical left-wing columnist Gideon Levy in the Haaretz newspaper this morning, in which Levy accused the bereaved parents of Goldin of incitement against the population of Gaza.
Levy wrote: "The Goldins want their dead son's body returned by Hamas at any price, and they want to extract that price from the Gaza Strip’s two million cursed inhabitants."
He went on to accuse the Goldins of wanting to force all Gazans to live through a humanitarian crisis without electricity and of wanting terrorists in Israeli prisons to be tortured.
Hadar and Oron's friends wrote an open letter in response to his attack on the families who have not been able to bury their sons, in which they accused Levy of ignoring the true humanitarian concerns.
"We who put ourselves danger while defending the nation, including those who are cut off from reality like you, who put ourselves in harm's way so that innocent people would not be killed on the other side [in Gaza]. Hadar, together with his friends Benya and Liel Gidoni, were murdered during a humanitarian ceasefire initiated by the United States, which was violated for the eighth time by Hamas. They were killed because they did not open fire on innocent people. They were killed because of the overriding humanitarian concern.
Video provides details of attack that killed border policewoman
Ramallah has refused to condemn the Jerusalem terror attack that killed Border Police Staff Sgt. Hadas Malka earlier this month. The Palestinian Authority has accused Israel of murdering three innocent civilians, saying Israel has no proof the attackers were trying to harm Israelis. The accusation from Ramallah comes despite the fact that Hamas has claimed responsibility for the deadly attack.
Despite the PA denials, Israel Hayom has learned that police are in possession of surveillance video that captured the attack on police officers and soldiers at Damascus Gate in the Old City in its entirety.
The footage shows the first attacker hiding behind a car and trying to operate a makeshift submachine gun, which then jams. After clearing the jam, he raises the gun, places it on his shoulder and fires two shots.
Seconds after the shots are fired, police open fire on the attacker, neutralizing him. Then a second terrorist armed with a knife is seen trying to attack the officers. Within seconds, he too is neutralized. A third terrorist is then seen attacking Malka. Although it is unclear from the footage whether he had a knife in his hand, the terrorist can be clearly seen attacking her and throwing her to the ground. After security forces shoot the third attacker, emergency rescue personnel rush to treat Malka, who lies sprawled on the floor.
Hamas is behind Gaza's suffering, not Israel
Gaza's sole power plant shut down on last week for lack of funds, leaving the nearly two million residents of the coastal enclave with only three hours of electricity a day.
The Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza blame each other for the energy shortage. After multiple failed reconciliation attempts between the two parties, the Palestinian Authority is now flexing its muscles in an aggressive push to reassert some control over Gaza, which Hamas seized a decade ago in a violent takeover.
The standoff has left Israel in a tough spot, having to choose between giving tactical support to Hamas by keeping the fuel running or risking a humanitarian crisis that could trigger an upsurge in violence. Last time Palestinian reconciliation collapsed, Hamas members kidnapped and murdered three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank in June 2014.
All of this is a tragedy. But it is a tragedy deliberately manufactured by Hamas that easily could have been avoided. Hamas is doing again what it has done a hundred times before: sacrificing the well-being of Gaza's civilian population on the altar of cynical political ambitions.
Hamas could, if it wanted to, pay for the lack of electricity and ease the suffering immediately. According to data from the Hamas Finance Ministry, the group collects at least $15m (£11m) a month in taxation. But instead of paying for education, medical services and electricity, Hamas invests millions of dollars a year in its military infrastructure and preparations for war, including smuggling tunnels and rockets.
PMW: PMW report leads to removal of terrorist monument in Jenin - but monument later restored
Last week Palestinian Media Watch exposed that the PA had named a square in Jenin after terrorist Khaled Nazzal who planned the attack that led to the murder of 22 children and 4 adults in the Ma'alot Massacre on May 15, 1974. A monument with an inscription had also been erected in his honor at the square.
Following PMW’s report on the terror glorifying square, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu tweeted his outrage and the mayor of Ma’alot Shlomo Bohbot wrote a letter to PA Chairman Abbas urging him to dismantle the monument.
Jenin Mayor Dr. Muhammad Abu Ghali claimed that Israel threatened to “destroy the entire square” in case the monument was not removed. An op-ed in the official PA daily went as far as claiming that Netanyahu had “threatened to invade Jenin”:
“One of the new examples of the persecution of the living (i.e., eternal) Martyrs as part of Israeli policy is the government of [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s threat to invade Jenin if the [Jenin] Municipality and [Jenin] District refuse to remove the Martyr Khaled Nazzal monument.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 25, 2017]
The 'reward' of every Temple Mount rioter: 4,500 shekels a month
A Turkish organization funded partially by the Turkish government invested in a project intended to bring 500 thousand Israeli Arabs to the Al-Aqsa Mosque “to protect it against Israeli invasion and the threat of its destruction,” according to an investigation by Israel Hayom.
The journalist Nadav Shragai reported that an organization called “Mirasimiz” (“Our Heritage,” - ed.) organized mass transportation to the Old City of Jerusalem, allotting 11.5 million shekels for this purpose. The transportation project was to have continued for many months, and the organization obtained 11 buses and hired dozens of additional buses every week to execute the project.
Among those transported by the organization were the agressive men's group “Mourabitoun” and women's group "Murabitat,” under the auspices of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, who later became illegal after they created riots on the Temple Mount, cursing and attempting to threaten and disrupt Jewish visits to the site.
The program included many schools from the Arab sector in Israel, and the organization also made sure to distribute water and food costing 7.5 million shekels to those it was transporting to the Temple Mount.
The Shin Bet discovered that, in exchange for their presence on the Temple Mount and their harassment of Jewish visitors to the site, each one of the Mourabitoun and Murabitat received a monthly salary of 4,500 shekels a month.
Egyptian police say they foiled church bombing
Egyptian police said on Saturday they foiled a church bombing by arresting a cell including the would-be attackers, two months after suicide bombers killed dozens of church goers in two attacks.
Six members of the cell including two “suicide bombers” planning the attack on an Alexandria church were arrested in the Mediterranean city, the interior ministry said in a statement.
It said one attacker had planned to detonate an explosive vest inside the church and the other to blow himself up when police arrived to the scene.
The Islamic State group had claimed responsibility for the two church bombings in April and one in December that killed more than seventy people.
"Muslims contributed nothing to the West except slaughter, massacres, terror attacks"
Egyptian TV Host Youssef Al-Husseini Following London Mosque Attack: The Muslims Have Contributed Nothing but Terror, So Why Do You Expect Them to Love You?
Following the vehicular attack outside a London mosque on June 19, Egyptian TV host Youssef Al-Husseini said: "Why do they hate us?! If they didn't, there would be something mentally wrong with them." Claiming that the Muslims have contributed nothing to the West except slaughter, massacres, and terror attacks, Al-Husseini said: "And you still expect them to love us?!" His address aired on ON TV on the day of the attack

IsraellyCool: Exporting How To Kill To The UK
The Manchester suicide bomber watched videos from Gaza to learn bomb making. Israel is the canary. When the world stops us from dealing effectively with Islamic terror in Gaza, eventually the world suffers just as we do.
The Times:
A source with knowledge of the police investigation said that Abedi is believed to have accessed videos online containing information about how to construct various devices, including those using TATP. Abedi downloaded material from a range of online sources, including the dark web, and the YouTube information was one part of a wider online picture, it is understood.
After the Manchester attacks a 22-minute video on YouTube and Facebook emerged, called “Jihadi ideas for lone lions”. It provided instructions on how to make the type of explosive used by Abedi.
The video, produced by Ibn Taymiyyah, a Gaza-based group that supports Isis, showed a chemist making the explosive from scratch using items such as a funnel and coffee filter. “The filling can be used in closed places like restaurants and buses,” the video says. “After the explosion, it’s better to directly enter the place and eliminate those who are still alive, Inshallah.” It has been taken down.
Convicted terror backer of Islamist group linked to Manchester bombing 'works at Libyan embassy in London'
A man convicted of sending £20,000 a year to an Islamist group linked to the Manchester Arena bombing is working at the Libyan embassy in London.
Ismail Kamoka was jailed for three years and nine months in 2007 for sending cash to the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) as well as giving out false passports.
Salman Abedi, the 22-year-old terrorist who murdered 22 people in a suicide bombing at Manchester Arena last month, has been linked to the LIFG.
Kamoka, 51, moved to the UK in 1994 before claiming political asylum.
According to The Times, he now lives in a housing association property in Burnt Oak, London.
He is understood to work at the consular and cultural affairs arm of Libya's embassy in Kensington.

University Professor Who Cheered Student’s Death is a BDS Supporter
A University of Delaware professor who said that student Otto Warmbier, a victim of the North Korean regime, “got exactly what he deserved,” after he was held and possibly murdered by North Korea, is a supporter of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) effort which seeks to delegitimize Israel.
Kathy Dettwyler, an adjunct professor of anthropology at the University of Delaware, wrote on her personal Facebook page that Warmbier was “typical of the mindset of a lot of the young, white, rich, clueless males who come into my class.”
Dettwyler is also a BDS supporter, according to research by CAMERA that found that she was a signatory for the “Anthropologists for the Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions.”
Given her support for BDS, Dettwyler’s decision to blame the victim of an autocratic, anti-Western regime, seemingly on the grounds of his racial/ethnic makeup, is perhaps unsurprising.
Amid calls for Dettwyler’s dismissal, the University of Delaware has stated that the professor’s “distressing” comments “do not reflect the values or position” of the school.
Maajid Nawaz Tells Bill Maher He’s Suing Southern Poverty Law Center for Defamation
Maajid Nawaz told Bill Maher tonight that he plans to sue the Southern Poverty Law Center for defamation for listing him as an “anti-Muslim extremist.”
Nawaz, who wrote a book called Radical: My Journey Out of Islamist Extremism, is featured on the SPLC’s page “A Journalist’s Manual: Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists” and in addition to saying “the evidence suggests that Nawaz is far more interested in self-promotion and money than in any particular ideological dispute,” they feature a list of actions he’s taken that they say backs up this characterization.
Nawaz’s placement on the SPLC list (along with Ayaan Hirsi Ali) was actually the source of some controversy last fall, and he responded at the time in a piece for The Daily Beast:
In a naively dangerous form of neo-Orientalism, the SPLC just arrogated to itself the decision over which debates we Muslims may have about reforming our own religion, and which are to be deemed beyond the pale.
Let us call it “Islamsplaining.”
In a monumental failure of comprehension, the SPLC have conflated my challenge to Islamist theocracy among my fellow Muslims with somehow being “anti-Muslim.” The regressive left is now in the business of issuing fatwas against Muslim reformers.
Alternative Chicago Pride event 'inclusive' to all, except Jews
Participants of the 21st annual Chicago Dyke March, a parade geared towards members of the city's lesbian community, found themselves on Saturday at the center of controversy.
The Dyke March was founded by a collective that billed the event as more inclusive and social justice-oriented than the more well-known and mainstream Chicago Pride Parade.
However, three Jewish members of the collective were not to be included in Saturday's festivities.
Jewish Pride flags -- with a Star of David in the center of the rainbow flag -- are a common sight at Pride events around the world, so the members were likely not trying to cause a scene when they brought them to the march.
According to a report in The Windy City Times, the three members were told to leave the parade because the flags "made people feel unsafe" and that the Dyke March was a "anti-Zionist, pro-Palestinian" space.
The expelled Jewish members said that "there's nothing offensive about this flag. It's a statement of Jewish identity."
PreOccupiedTerritory: University To Eliminate Courses About Jews So As Not To Alienate Muslims (satire)
San Francisco State University has announced that in a bid to make the on-campus experience more welcoming for students of Muslim background, it will no longer offer courses that discuss the history, culture, practices, experiences, or presence of Jews.
A spokesman for the university told reporters today that as of the upcoming fall semester, SFSU has eliminated all classes that specifically examine Jewish material, sources, or matters, as part of the institution’s ongoing efforts to provide a safe space for students for whom exposure to such material would create a hostile environment.
“We are here to promote learning, and that requires an atmosphere conducive to learning,” declared Aiam Klulis, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Students.”Muslims students and their supporters have expressed many times how challenged they feel when confronted with the open tolerance they see around them for Jewish survival, prosperity, safety, and peoplehood. Taking those feelings into account, and realizing that sustained exposure to those phenomena inhibits our Muslim students’ confidence in their ability to engage their course material, the administration has voted to cancel all courses that explicitly or specifically cite Jewish experience, history, texts, or personalities as such.”
Students already pursuing degrees for which such courses are a requirement will be given the opportunity to alter their degrees by taking courses on subjects such as Palestinian suffering, the hierarchy of intersectionality, and seminars with anti-Israel activist Bassem Tamimi. Several of those courses will also be designated prerequisites for all incoming freshmen, announced Klulis.
Hey Newsweek: Israelis Want Their Country Back
An article in Newsweek twists a quote by Israel’s Minister of Defense, Avigdor Lieberman, into an entire diatribe against Israel. In his fantasy driven tirade, journalist Tom O’Connor comes to the astounding conclusion that all of Israel…isn’t Israel.
The quote by Lieberman:
We will not agree to the return of a single refugee to within the ‘67 borders.
The statement is an apparent rejection of the Palestinian Authority’s negotiating demand: that even after a Palestinian state is formed, they would hold the right to settle Palestinians outside of their own state, and inside Israel instead. Though Minister Lieberman does not control government policy on this issue, his statement is nonetheless newsworthy as one, potentially influential, voice within Israel’s government.
Yet Newsweek’s Tom O’Connor was not content to simply report this news. He had to weave a tale of fiction instead.
O’Connor begins with the incorrect statement:
Israel’s defense minister has said that his government will not allow any Palestinians to return to the lands historically settled by them and currently claimed by Israel.
Claimed by Israel??
In fact, the lands referred to in Lieberman’s statement, that O’Connor calls “claimed by Israel,” are the areas inside the 1967 borders, specifically: Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion International Airport, the western parts of Jerusalem, the entire Negev Desert and more. Most of the world does not describe this a “occupied” or “captured” or even “disputed” but rather as, “Israel.” The only exceptions are those countries and terror organizations that wish to destroy Israel entirely.
The lands that O’Connor defines as “historically settled by Palestinians” have actually had an uninterrupted presence of Jews dating all the way back to the Kingdom of Israel some 2,800 years ago, and since the founding of modern Israel have never been considered contested in any way. (Again, this is aside from the numerous attempts by Israel’s neighbors to destroy the country entirely).
This Ongoing War: 25-Jun-17: A voice of lethal, bigoted hatred is silenced... for a while
We're pleased to see that Twitter last night (Saturday) shut down the hateful account of the FBI fugitive who masterminded the bombing of the Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem. Our daughter Malki, 15, was one of her many victims.
Our very sincere thanks to all the good people who helped us in publicizing the existence of the account and in bringing it to the attention of Twitter.
The background is here: "23-Jun-17: Murder by social media (is anyone at Twitter reading this?)"
The woman will certainly open up additional Twitter and other social media accounts (if she has not already) in this unpleasant cat-and-mouse game.
That's because, beyond being a confessed, proud and unrepentant murderer, she appears to be deeply committed ideologically to inciting others to emulate what she did and to kill Jews. She has been engaged in this since even before her unwarranted and deeply ill-conceived and regrettable release from an Israeli prison cell in October 2011 as part of the catastrophic Shalit Deal.
Powerful musical recounts Atlanta lynching of falsely accused Jewish man
Chicagoland theater goers have a must-see play in their midst. Even a century after the events that inspired it, the suburban Writers Theatre‘s new production of Alfred Uhry and Jason Robert Brown’s Tony Award winning show “Parade” is still a devastatingly relevant piece of drama.
This 1998 musical is based on the early 20th century trial and lynching of Leo Frank (Patrick Andrews), a dapper Jewish Brooklynite living in Atlanta. In 1913, Frank is falsely accused of murdering 13-year-old Mary Phagan (Caroline Heffernan), an employee at the National Pencil Factory, where he is her supervisor.
Frank is innocent, but makes for a convenient target. Governor John Slaton (Derek Hasenstab) and prosecutor Hugh Dorsey (Kevin Gudahl) salivate over the thought of convicting “the Jew.” Pandering to an anti-Semitic constituency, a conviction would be a feather in their political caps.
Slimy prosecutor Dorsey coaches witnesses to lie under oath, which they do in spades. Ultimately, the jury, the public, politicians and the media are all complicit in a brutal anti-Semitic character assassination, which leads to a guilty verdict and a death sentence for Frank. The court rejoices in glee amongst a chorus of “hang the Jew.”
IsraellyCool: WATCH: Merv Griffin Interviews Yitzhak Rabin in Israel, 1976
In 1976, American television host Merv Griffin came to Israel, where he interviewed Yitzhak Rabin, who was then Israel’s Prime Minister (he would of course be PM a second time from 1992 until his assassination in 1995).
It is a fascinating interview, done in a very relaxed way (after they played tennis!) Besides giving insight into Rabin’s beliefs about Israel and peace, it also shows a different side to the man who supposedly had no sense of humor – he comes up with a few zingers here, especially the one about the Shah of Iran.
It ends with Merv Griffin giving high praise for Israel and her people.
Yitzhak Rabin Interview- Israel, Jimmy Carter, Peace (Merv Griffin Show 1976)

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