The shitlords are entering the work force. The office may never be the same:
Encouraging field report from the pozzland of higher ed (grad level), had to attend an extra class about inclusion blah blah, it was 2 female execs trying to guide the class through a discussion about a fictional business scenario where a woman gets overlooked for promotion and ignored in meetings cuz she’s a woman. It didn’t go smoothly as they planned because several of the young white men kept politely but insistently questioning the underlying premises. For example, “How do we know she wasn’t just a poor communicator of her ideas?” The white men in the room were saying in as many words, “We’re not going to put up with your ‘white men are always at fault’ agenda.” It was glorious. I kept my mouth shut cuz I knew I’d get in trouble if I opened it, but I heartily enjoyed watching these young shitlords cause the 2 lady execs to stumble and mumble around. Everybody in the room knew exactly what was happening: REAL PUSHBACK.This is good. This is right. Don't back down. Constant retreat is the path to certain defeat.
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