by Tony Ware
The rate of attack on the U.S. public sector versus the global public sector is virtually the same; however, U.S. entities are far more likely to experience repeat attacks and are typically more likely to need additional time (a minimum of three hours) to detect and respond to the threat, compared to global cybersecurity counterparts.
Outside notifications of attacks have increased by 15 percent, making it harder for government to keep news of attacks from going public. This has triggered a steady increase in investments for DDoS defenses, which already jumped eight percent in 2017, according to Neustar research.
The information was gathered from 33 U.S. public sector and 22 non-U.S. public sector organizations that responded a survey.
The entire report, featuring both public-sector and extensive private-sector frequency/cost/mitigation of attacks data gathered from over 1,000 CISOs, CSO and CTOs, can be viewed on Neustar’s website.
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