Transgender Kiwi weightlifter Laurel Hubbard's first win in an international competition has ruffled feathers across the Tasman. Hubbard was competing at the Australian International event in Melbourne on Sunday and shot out to an early lead in the women's over 90kg division.Everyone loves equality right up until the moment that it bites them in the behind. It is rather amusing, though, that women have somehow managed to put themselves in a position to ruin women's sports through their ruthless dedication to sexual equality.
The 39-year-old lifted 123kg in the snatch discipline, and then produced a clean-and-jerk lift of 145kg for a 268kg total - 19kg better than the second-placed competitor.
Hubbard was congratulated by her competitors after the ceremony.
However, afterwards, bronze medallist Kaitlyn Fassina was less effusive.
"She is who she is. That's the way the politics...and what the New Zealanders have decided. I can't say much more than that. She is seen as female and that's the way it is."
Two-time Olympian Deborah Acason went further.
"If I was in that category I wouldn't feel like I was in an equal situation. I just feel that if it's not even why are we doing the sport?"
I don't see how anyone who believes in equality can justify the existence of men's and women's sports in the first place.
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