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Defence Service Staff College, Wellington recently organised a seminar on China. This is an annual affair.
Prof Mohan Guruswami delivered a talk on “The India-China Territorial Dispute : Is it at the Dead End now?” at the seminar. He has very kindly shared his power point presentation.
Indian Armed Forces are still in stone age as far as knowledge management is concerned. They steadfastly refuse to share knowledge with the rigidity that is unexplainable. The contents of the seminar would be far more useful to others to in higher ranks and appointments when there was a galaxy of speakers, experts on the subject, were assembled. If you visit the website of DSSC you will find only photographs. Same is with Army Training Command. Every year all cat ‘A’ ests conduct one high profile seminar on topical subjects. How does one access those knowledge or pearls of wisdom. They don’t even put those in Army Intranet. It is another matter how does anybody, even if it is put in Army Intranet, access these knowledge as after 1400 hours offices close. It is not available in residences and there are plethora of cyber security restrictions.
When you deal with knowledge in open domain why this attitude of frog in the well. How long we will hide behind a façade of security. Most of speakers don’t submit a written paper or even a speaking note.
Armed forces officers are particularly sensitive about their presentations. They refused to share anything. They are not able to come out of their Sainik School/ NDA syndrome: others will make use of their presentation!
At this Age ? Come on.
Will People learn ?
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