So basically I've just started seeing someone new and as part of the getting to know each other conversation he asked how many other people I've slept with.The reason one is well-advised to immediately end things with a woman who is not willing to be forthcoming about her sexual history is that, as you can see here, deceit is not a sound foundation for a relationship.
I don't really know what a normal number is but I know my number is pretty high compared to my closest friends so I wasn't comfortable telling him
So I told him I wasn't going to answer that and he pushed a bit then left it so I thought that was the end of it. Then last night he asked again. I said I thought we had already had that conversation and he said so it's that many is it?
I don't know if I should of told him or not what do people think?
Have people been in a similar situation and what did you do?
What is a normal number or a high number?
Should I be worried he even asked or is that quite normal?
Furthermore, there is a strong correlation between relationship and marital success and the number of lovers a woman has had. To refuse to answer the question is tantamount to saying "too high for a reasonable expectation of marital success".
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