Other poster: You're joking. GSN really stuck Cash Cab in the late evening spot?
Uh no, I'm not joking. GSN gave Cash Cab another run at 11:00 PM in addition to its current run at 6:00 PM. Ben and friends now get nine hours a week. I asked Douglas Pucci for some numbers on the show, and it's been doing pretty well. So it's not a big surprise that the network gave the show four more hours.
By the way, Discovery is bringing Cash Cab back for new eps. Apparently without Ben Bailey, though, which has him somewhat upset.
Another poster: Lol yeah the gameplay on GSN's Pyramid was cringe-worthy. Rounds of 3-4 points, which were (literally) laughably rare on the Clark versions, were commonplace...plus a good number of 2s or worse. You'd be pining for even just 5 in a round.
You're overstating the case, but this was a feature for me, not a bug. Perfect rounds got to be so routine on the old Clark versions. GSN toughened up the clues - partly to save pennies, of course, because perfect rounds increased the winners circle prize money - and that made perfection something of an event again, instead of a boring custom.
Yet another poster: As I said before, I bet it's pretty common for viewership to be pretty solid during the first quarter of any year - given the abundance of blizzards and cold spells that shut down workplaces and schools, forcing people to stay home and watch GSN to pass the time away.
Nobody's "forced" to watch GSN instead of the zillion other cable channels. GSN ranked 37th and 33rd in the prime time and total day windows for the quarter among all cable nets. Certainly respectable by the network's historical standards. Don't hold your breath until Buzzr gets that kind of audience. Buzzr can't even get into most U.S. households.
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