But ready or not, Battle of the Network Stars will return to ABC this summer. Yes, return to those thrilling days of yesteryear, when TV actors with too much time on their hands played tug-of-war and three-on-three football. Sadly, Howard Cosell isn't around any more to announce the strenuous proceedings, but they'll find somebody else.
The show was so cheesy that it was irresistible fun. Plenty of the '70s detritus remains on YouTube, if you want to sample some of the amateur athletics. Farrah Fawcett looks fantastic in a track suit...or anything else. Howard looks less than fantastic in the rug.
Variety notes that ABC has prospered with some of its classic game show reboots. Well, if they can call Guts a game show, I guess that Battle qualifies for the moniker, barely.
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