In case you don't know, he's the guy who runs GSN. This year will mark a decade for him at the little game show network, which has gotten less little under his guidance. That gives him a tenure which is easily longer than either of his predecessors, Michael Fleming or Rich Cronin.
Goldhill's time at GSN has not been without its oopsie doopsies. His record with originals has been spotty at best, but you could say that about any cable outlet. It's tough to create a new show that becomes a consistent money maker. Also, GSN currently relies way too much on Steve Harvey's Family Feud. But again, lots of cable outlets lean on one or two tentpole shows to keep the operation going.
Anyway, I happened to see a quote from David Goldhill in a long article about online gaming. He says this about GSN's online operations...
Because we're not restricted by having to pay real winnings, we can pay out $120 for every $100 played. No land-based casino could do that for more than a week without going out of business.
Yeah, it's a lot easier to keep the clicks coming when the players usually seem to win. But even GSN Games has run into problems, with a rash of recent layoffs. No formula is foolproof.
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